网络安全对小澳门赌场官方下载的重要性: Applying Zero Trust Principles

作者: 雷蒙娜Ratiu, MS, CISM, CISA,网络安全高级. 苏黎世保险公司经理,ISACA芝加哥分会前任主席
发表日期: 二零二三年十二月五日

网络安全 isn’t exclusive to tech companies—it’s essential for every business. We have dispelled the misconception that cybersecurity is only relevant to big corporations handling large chunks of sensitive data. Businesses of all sizes and industries are potential targets to cyberattacks.

Verizon DBIR 报告发现,43%的网络攻击以小澳门赌场官方下载为目标, 其中60%的公司在袭击发生后的六个月内倒闭. 它还揭示了平均而言, 中小澳门赌场官方下载的消费在826美元到653美元之间,587关于网络安全事件, 预计未来两年将增长15%.

It is clear that small businesses cannot afford to ignore the current threat landscape. Ensuring due diligence has become crucial as organizations are likely to be attacked at some point, 把它变成了“不”的问题 if.

Zero trust is not limited to large organizations; small businesses can leverage its principles to fortify their defenses and mitigate cybersecurity risks effectively.

应用这些 零信任原则 to smaller businesses will involve defining the business strategies (what we want to get done) and prioritizing the tactics (how we are going to do it) based on resources. Keep in mind people, process and technologies, and don’t overcomplicate things.

确定保护面:首先, 最重要的是, it is crucial to get a clear understanding of the organization’s assets and their business value (which is given by sensitivity and criticality of an asset to the business). 然后, 识别这些资产的威胁和漏洞, and conduct a risk assessment to start building your cyberresilience strategy.

定义策略并投资安全意识培训: It is essential to check your regulatory and compliance requirements, 定义内部政策并投资安全意识培训. 根据Verizon的DBIR, employees of small businesses experience 350% more social engineering attacks than those at larger enterprises. Social engineering doesn’t rely on computer weakness; it relies on human kindness. A con artist who is trying to trick people into giving them something valuable (e.g., 让他们知道你的经理不在办公室, or giving them one of your client’s names) takes advantage of this kindness.

Ensure you have well-defined policies in place and have trained your employees to follow your organization’s policies and procedures. 它们是抵御网络威胁的第一道防线. Make sure they are trained in cyber安全最佳实践 and that they understand their role in identifying and reporting suspicious activity. Familiarize yourself and be aware of the common cyberthreats: phishing, 商务邮件泄露, 恶意软件, 内部威胁和密码攻击.

Define business cases, standardize processes and invest in defensive technologies: The difference between larger and smaller organizations is mainly the complexity of the environment and resource availability. 以下是一些可以考虑的最佳实践:

  • 启用MFA(多因素身份验证)—Layer your security measures to make unauthorized access a challenging feat. MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more forms of authentication to access a system or application—complex passwords, 物理一次性密码令牌, 生物识别技术, 移动应用一次性密码令牌, 短信, 电子邮件或语音电话.
  • 基于角色的访问控制—Limit access to sensitive data and ensure appropriate levels of access commensurate to each role. If you don’t require the information to do your job, you should not have access to it. 此外, an absolute must is to have an understanding of who and what (devices and software) have permission to access an organization’s digital environment. 基于需要知道的基础来限制对资源的访问.
  • 更新的软件和系统—Cybercriminals are constantly looking for vulnerabilities in software and systems to exploit. Keep all software and systems up to date with the latest patches and updates to reduce the risks. This is the equivalent of locking the doors 当 you leave the house—by the way, 确保你检查了Windows, 太.

    Properly securing your network is crucial since it serves as the backbone of your IT infrastructure. 这涉及到防火墙, establishing a VPN for remote workers and segmenting your network to minimize the impact of a successful attack.
  • 端点保护平台—Ensure every device is defended with anti-恶意软件 and anti- phishing 太ls.
  • 备份解决方案—Essential files should be backed up offsite or in the cloud to protect against data loss from cyberattacks, 自然灾害或硬件故障. 确保每年至少进行一次全面恢复测试.
  • 事件响应计划记录你的团队如何应对突发事件, 谁牵涉其中?, 他们的角色和职责(使用RACI图表), 培训员工并测试计划.

部门间的透明度和沟通: Ensure non-technical teams understand the impact of good cyber hygiene and follow 安全最佳实践.

监控和维护: Zero trust is both a way of thinking about security and a continuous journey. 监控、维护和改进您的安全状态是必须的.

考虑网络保险:为了增加一层保护, it is advisable to consider obtaining a monoline cyber insurance policy that offers coverage for various cyber risks, 攻击和更多.

Implementing robust cybersecurity measures is crucial for small businesses to protect their assets, 维护客户信任,确保业务连续性. 通过采用零信任原则并遵循最佳实践, small businesses can effectively mitigate cybersecurity risks and safeguard their operations.
